Your Health


Five Exercises to Do at the Beach

The beach is often considered a place of relaxation, but it can also be an excellent place for a rigorous yet enjoyable workout. Here are five different fitness exercises you can do on the beach:

Soft Sand Running

One of the most common, but also the best beach exercises consists of running on soft sand. Studies show that running on soft sand is much more vigorous than running on other surfaces, using up 1.5 times more energy than running on the road. It is also less strenuous on the body and can reduce the chances of injury as running on sand reduces the impact on the knees, ankles and hips. To make soft sand running more intense, alternate between slow running on soft sand and at a faster pace on hard sand, this will help you burn more calories and increase your stamina.


Swimming in the ocean is another common yet extremely useful beach exercise. Not only can it be fun and invigorating on a hot day, swimming also utilizes the entire body. It requires a lot of muscle which translates into more calories burned, making it an effective work out. The trick is to start slow at a pace that you can comfortably manage and focus on your rhythm. Over time, start increasing the distance you swim.


Beach Water Running

You can combine the two best things on the beach – the sand and the water – for effective beach training. Remove all footwear and find a section of the beach which does not contain any rocks and where the waves flatten out. Run in the water where the water is between ankle and knee length. The depth of water will determine how high up you lift your knee; the deeper the water, the more intense the workout.

Beach Step-Up

This exercise requires a stable rock, a step or a bench. With your back straight, step up with your left leg, pulling yourself on to the bench with the power of your left leg only. Step down with your right foot first and then the left foot, getting back in starting position. Repeat 10 to 20 times per leg.


Beach Squats

With your legs about shoulder-width apart, squat as if you were going to sit on a chair. Lean on to your heels and make sure your thighs are parallel to the sand. Then using your thighs and bottom, bring yourself back to the starting position. This exercise uses the whole body and the sand provides an excellent platform.
