Getz Pharma supports Flood Victims
In response to the devastating floods of 2010 and 2011, which destroyed the livelihood and homes of more than 14 million Pakistanis – nearly eight percent of the population – Getz Pharma responded to the plight of the flood victims immediately.
Getz Pharma donated medicines, food hampers, water purifying and antibiotic tablets worth PKR 5 million in 2010, to provide relief to 4,000 flood victims.
The donation was made to several reputable NGOs which were carrying out relief work in the flood-affected areas. These included the Edhi Foundation, Pakistan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers’ Association (PPMA), Pakistan Medical Association (PMA), Peshawar Disaster Management Authority (PARSA), and Orangi Pilot Project (OPP).
Additionally, several Getz Pharma employees across Pakistan were also affected by the floods. To this end, management and their respective teams provided them with monetary and emotional support. A Getz Pharma Flood Relief Fund was also established for those in need; employees voluntarily contributed their salaries (minimum donation was of half a day’s salary) and the company matched the amount raised.