Getz Pharma’s ‘Care for Heroes’ Initiative Reaches Islamabad, Jhelum, Abbottabad, and Muzaffarabad to Make Clinics and Wards Corona Free
Committed to its mission of providing quality healthcare for the community at large, Getz Pharma has launched a ‘Care for Heroes’ campaign to safeguard the healthcare providers of Pakistan who are working selflessly to combat the pandemic. Under the umbrella of this initiative, Getz Pharma has started a disinfection drive in northern Pakistan from 9th May 2020.
Till date, a total of 102 patient wards in various hospitals and 868 doctor’s clinics in Islamabad, Jhelum, Mirpur, Chakwal, Abbottabad, Haripur, Mansehra and Muzaffarabad, have been disinfected using a WHO-approved disinfecting material (CHEMGENE HLD4).
Speaking about the initiative, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Umar (SI) – Vice-Chancellor, Rawalpindi Medical University (RMU), Rawalpindi said: “Getz Pharma is doing a commendable job, which is fumigation of the Holy Family Hospital Rawalpindi and District Head Quarter Hospital to control the spread of corona, which is the need of the hour. The support for institutions is always appreciated.”
Maj. Gen. (R) Azhar Mahmood Kayani (Chairman & Chief cardiologist, Medikay Cardiac Centre, Islamabad) said: “Excellent Contribution of Getz Pharma and much-needed activity. Please keep it up and well done.”
Prof. Muhammad Naeem Malik (Chairman and Head of Cardiology, Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS), Islamabad), while appreciating Getz Pharma’s efforts, said: “Thank you, Getz Pharma for the disinfection of my center as an initiative against the spread of Covid-19. I think it is a very positive step and Getz Pharma has played its part in the movement against this pandemic along with providing PPE and other protective material to hospitals in the country. Well Done Getz Pharma.”
The leading pharmaceutical aims to disinfect a total of over 100 wards and 800 clinics, in the following hospitals: Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) Islamabad, Poly Clinic Hospital Rawalpindi, Holy Family Hospital Rawalpindi, Benazir Bhutto Hospital Rawalpindi, District Health Quarter Rawalpindi, Rawalpindi Institute of Cardiology (RIC), Ayub Medical Complex (AMC) Abbottabad, Advance Liver & GI Centre, Medikay Hospital Islamabad and The Diabetes Center (TDC) Islamabad.
Under its ‘Care for Heroes’ initiative, Getz Pharma is disinfecting over 8000 clinics, 650 hospital wards, and conducting free screening tests of more than 25,000 doctors across Pakistan. The company is also providing protective equipment such as masks, sanitizers, and gloves and conducting free rapid antibody screening tests of over 25,000 doctors, especially in isolation centers to ensure the safety of health care professionals fighting on the forefront to combat this pandemic. The company is also encouraging others in the private sector to help ease the government’s burden by stepping up to fight this pandemic together.