Support for  Indus Hospital
November 8, 2011

Support for Indus Hospital

Indus Hospital, a not-for-profit-organization, is located in Korangi Industrial Area in Karachi, Pakistan. It provides free-of-cost high quality healthcare to the 2.5 million people living in and around Korangi, as well as patients that come from across Pakistan and its neighboring countries.

The hospital, funded solely through charitable donations, has treated over 1.1 million patients since its establishment in August 2007. The services that Indus Hospital offers range from surgery, screening and specialist outpatient clinics, dialysis, cardiac and intensive care units as well as a 24-hour emergency room.

Getz Pharma supported the Indus Hospital in establishing a Clinical Research Unit (CRU) and under an unrestricted grant, has pledged a fund of PKR 3.8 million to establish the core CRU at Indus Hospital. This CRU will allow specific clinical researches relevant to the country and region to be conducted keeping in mind the demographic, behavioral and medical needs of each and every patient. This will result in improved health of the community in general, and development of culturally relevant and sustainable models for disease management with a focus on health priorities.