Uniting against Diabetes
October 23, 2014

Uniting against Diabetes

As a leading player in Pakistan’s anti-diabetes market with the vision to collaborate with other organizations to provide customers with the best products, Getz Pharma signed an accord with Medtronic in October 2014. Medtronic is a leading medical technology company and through this accord, will bring its advanced diabetes management solutions to Pakistan for the first time. This partnership enables Getz Pharma to market Medtronic’s range of diabetes management devices to its customers.

With our pronounced focus on investing not just in technology, but our people and training, the partnership resulted in training events to help Getz Pharma staff acquaint themselves with Medtronic’s range of insulin pumps, continuous glucose monitoring systems and injection port. After training events in September and October 2014, we launched the insulin pump at the Pakistan Endocrine Society Symposium in November 2014.

Getz Pharma is proud to have a strong partnership with Medtronic, and we are confident that our association will result in improved quality of life for our patients.