News & Events

NextLead Summer Internship Program 2024 – Everything You Need to Know!

This program offers aspiring students a unique opportunity to gain valuable hands-on experience and insight into the pharmaceutical industry. Join us and take the first step toward a fulfilling career in healthcare.

National Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) Summit

The AMS summit was attended by over 1400 healthcare professionals including health secretaries and director generals from federal and provincial governments, officials from NIH Islamabad, the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan, office-bearers of 13 medical societies, healthcare regulatory authority officials, senior physicians, policymakers and students.

Call for Abstracts – National Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) Summit

Getz Pharma, in collaboration with the Health Services Academy (HSA), Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations & Coordination (MoNHSRC) and National Institute of Health (NIH), hosts the National Dialogue on Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS).

PREACH Implementation Project – A Socio-Ecological framework for Hypertension in Pakistan

The alarming situation of deteriorating state of Pakistan’s economic and health infrastructure demands concrete measures to be taken. Therefore, Getz Pharma takes pride in launching a project called PREACH ‘Prevention, Management and Control of Hypertension’ aiming to ignite a paradigm shift from tertiary hospitals to primary care facilities and from treatment alone to preventive care. Additionally raising awareness in the general masses and developing a trained force to battle against this silent killer – hypertension.